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  1. 當你在練習時,試著花少一點的時間在第一段文章 (17分鐘),留多一點時間給第三段文章,通常是最難的一段 (23分鐘) 。
  2. 遇到不會的單字,如果跟答案沒有關係,不要花時間去了解意思。
  3. 如果遇到困難的問題,先跳過去回答下一題。
  4. 如果不確定答案是什麼,憑經驗做答案的猜測,總比什麼答案都不寫來得好。




  1. 把每一個問題看清楚
  2. 把問題的關鍵字找出 (如第一題的範例)
  3. 想一下每個問題答案可能的方向,例如,是一個地方,一個人的名字,或是一個形容詞
  4. 快速看過文章,找出適當的資訊

以下的問題是根據President Kennedy and sports這篇文章所出的問題。


  1. Which three team sports are mentioned in the text?
  2. Which three different kinds of things are being displayed at the exhibit?
  3. What did the focus of school physical education programs move toward?
  4. Who were given a sporting challenge by the president?
  5. What were many young Americans failing?
  6. Where was the president's article published?
  7. Which cartoon character was used to promote physical activity?
  8. Who explains that the president brought an understanding of the issue to various groups in society?
  9. Which two current professional sports teams are mentioned?
  10. Who suggests that people in the past were more focussed on health?


  1. Sailing, football, baseball
  2. Photographs, personal effects, sports memorabilia*
  3. Fitness
  4. U.S. Marines
  5. (Military) fitness tests
  6. Sports Illustrated
  7. Snoopy
  8. Jack Berryman
  9. Dallas Cowboys, New England Patriots*
  10. Richard Griffin

(*Answers in the exam will only be a maximum of three words)

(Information adapted from BBC Health & Living)
Complete the following table with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER in each space

Questions 1 - 6

Complete the summary with the most suitable word from the box below

Many people choose to live as vegetarians. This means that they (1)_____ meat and fish, and (2)_____ nothing that involves the death of an animal. This means that they cannot eat a variety of foods, such as sweets, which can (3)_____ products derived from animals.

Meat contains a lot of nutrients, so vegetarians have to eat (4) ______ than people who eat animal products, but this simple diet has many health (5)_______, and very few people who eat like this are (6)______.

Exhibit Highlights President's Fitness Push

When it came to encouraging fitness, few did more to get Americans off the couch than John F. Kennedy. And he did it not by decree, but by example: from his days on Harvard's sailing team and the Kennedy family football games to defining physical fitness as a key principle of his administration even before his inauguration.

As Americans grow fatter four decades after his assassination, Kennedy's call for physical activity is being revisited in an exhibit of photographs, personal effects and sports memorabilia at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum.

"Without a doubt, we need it now more than we ever did," junior high school teacher Brenda Ivey, of Pasadena, Texas, said of Kennedy's message as she examined his sports awards and watched his speeches encouraging Americans to get moving.

Kennedy's push eventually changed the focus of school physical education programs from sport skills to fitness and sparked a national fitness awareness.

When Kennedy challenged U.S. Marines to finish a 50-mile hike in 20 hours, so many civilians took up the dare that the White House had to warn the public that the gruelling task could be hazardous for many people.

Kennedy was inspired by a conviction that youth fitness is a measure of the vitality of a nation, and he worried that many young people in the military were failing their fitness tests, said curator Frank Rigg.

In an article he wrote for Sports Illustrated, under the headline "The Soft American," Kennedy challenged Americans to take an active lifestyle seriously. "The age of leisure and abundance can destroy vigour and muscle tone as effortlessly as it can gain time," Kennedy wrote. "A single look at the packed parking lot of the average high school will tell us what has happened to the traditional hike to school that helped to build young bodies."

Once in office, he pushed to strengthen the President's Council on Physical Fitness and hired legendary Oklahoma University football coach Bud Wilkinson to lead it.

The advisory body, set up by President Dwight D. Eisenhower as the President's Council on Youth Fitness, started running advertisements encouraging people to exercise. Influential figures signed up to back the initiative, including Charles Schulz, creator of the Peanut comic strip. A copy of Schulz's book "Snoopy's Daily Dozen", exercises by Peanut characters, is on display at the Kennedy exhibit.

Kennedy was the most influential president when it came to physical fitness, said sports historian Jack Berryman. "I think he brought an awareness of the problem to the American people and to the schools and to the national government level," said Berryman, professor of medical history at the University of Washington's School of Medicine in Seattle. He is also the official historian for the American College of Sports Medicine.

Included in the exhibit is a football Kennedy was given by the 1962 U.S. Navy football team, signed by the team's players and coaches, including future Dallas Cowboys star Roger Staubach and assistant Navy coach Steve Belichick, father of New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick.

Also on display are photographs from the Kennedy family collection; Kennedy's VIP National League and American League baseball park passes; and a tongue-in-cheek letter from the Boston Patriots, predecessors to the New England Patriots, inviting him to try out as a pro receiver.

"I think everybody enjoyed wanting to be better," Richard Griffin, 57, a retired furniture store owner from Pacific Grove, California, said while walking through the exhibit. But today, he said, "it seems that obesity is out of control."

Key Vocab.

Memorabilia: Old Beatles memorabilia is worth a fortune.
Gruelling: I've had a really gruelling day at work. We had a ten-hour meeting!
Legendary: The award ceremony was attended by such legendary sporting figures as Pele and Muhammad Ali.
Pro: My brother is so good at basketball we all think he should turn pro.
Initiative: Our manager wants to implement lots of new initiatives to reduce our company's carbon footprint.