考試成績查詢View Test Result
► 當無抽查情事、劍橋如期發放成績,可於下列時間區間查詢:
You can view your test result on the Test Taker Portal at the suggested time after your test.
✡ 電腦考-考後1-3天 / Computer base test: 1-3 days after your test day.
✡ 紙筆考-考後13天/ Paper base test: 13 days after your test day.
► 請至全球雅思報名系統中「報名及成績」查詢。
Please log in the IELTS Test Taker Portal
► 查詢步驟說明如下The review steps are as following
Step 01
Please log in to the Test Taker Portal.

Step 02
To activate your account when you log in for the first time, click on "Forget Password".

Step 03
Input your email address to receive a password reset link via email.

Step 04
After resetting your password, please log in again using your email address and the new password.

Step 05
Kindly click on the "Tests & Results" section to view the test details.

Step 05-1
※ 請在「顯示測驗及成績」選擇查詢的成績場次。
Select the exam you wish to view the result.
※ 請點入查看結果以預覽完整成績。
You can enter “See full result” to view the complete score report.

※ 可查看整體總分、各科成績、成績說明。
You can check the overall band, L/R/W/S bands and the explanation of your result.

單科重考申請One Skill Retake
► 若您期望能再努力一步、得到更理想的成績,也可於此頁申請單科重考。此服務僅適用於參加:
If you wish to retake the one-skill test to improve your score, you can apply for it on this page. Please note that this service is only available to those who took the computer-based IELTS test at the following centers:
✡ 2023年12月9日(含)之後,在高雄城市外語考雅思電腦考的考生。 Kaohsiung Metro after December 9th, 2023.
✡ 2023年12月19日(含)之後,在台北British Council 考雅思電腦考的考生。British Council Taipei after December 9th, 2023.
Step 01
於前述說明的成績查詢頁面,在成績頁籤中找到 “Didn’t get the score you needed?” 選項,點擊 See my options。
At the Result page of the selected exam, please find the “Didn’t get the score you needed?” section and click “See my options”.

Step 02
於彈出視窗選擇 “Retake your test”。
Click “Retake your test” at the pop-out window.

Please email with the screenshot to us if you have any questions.
British Council 台灣雅思考試中心