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口試測驗技巧 - 第三篇: 作比較

在IELTS 雅思口試部分,常見的問題型態是作比較。考生可能碰到的問題為比較台灣跟曾經去過,或是認識的另一個國家。例如,如果你去過法國:

How is France different from Taiwan?


  1. 人民
  2. 建築 (人文)
  3. 生活方式
  4. 夜生活
  5. 交通
  6. 氣候
  7. 外食


  1. People in Taiwan are not as romantic as people in France.
  2. Generally, buildings in Paris are more attractive than in Taipei.
  3. There are not as many cheap places to eat out in France as there are in Taiwan.
  4. There are more taxis in Taipei than in Paris.

關鍵字: 比較

  1. Compared to Taiwan, France is not very humid.
  2. French hotels are quite expensive in comparison with those in Taiwan.
  3. If you compare public transport, you'll see it's more modern in Taipei.



  1. I come from Taiwan, I am Taiwanese.
  2. I have been to Germany, and I loved the German food.

Italy – Italian wine
France – French cuisine
Britain – British English
Australia – Australian beef
Switzerland – Swiss chocolate
Thailand – Thai restaurant


Q:How has education changed since you were at school?

A:When I was young, schools were much stricter than they are now. And we didn't have as many hi-tech resources.

Q:How do you think transport will be different in the future?

A:Well, I think there will probably not be as many cars, because I imagine public transport will be a lot better than it is now.