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口試測驗技巧 - 第七篇


IELTS 雅思口試測驗技巧:



  • 看看以下的答案,這些都是IELTS雅思考試第一部分的範例答案。
  • Examiner: Which website do you use most regularly?

    Evelyn: I'm really into www.facebook.com. It's a social-networking site. It helps you to catch up with your old friends, and meet new contacts who like the same stuff as you. You can also download a lot of games, and upload pictures and video onto your page. It's really addictive.

    Adam: I've started using www.stumbleupon.com. I really like it. You install it into your browser, and then you choose categories you're interested in. Then it takes you to random websites based on what your preferences are, and you can rate them. The more ratings you give, the more it learns about your tastes. It's taken me to some great sites which I've added to my favourites.

    Nick: I'm studying Japanese and I've found a really good site called www.japanesepod101.com. It's got loads of free lessons you can download as podcasts and listen to on your MP3 player. If you pay, you can download PDFs of the lessons. It's also got audioblogs which are totally in Japanese. You can post comments in the chat rooms and connect with other students

    Barney: One of my favourite websites at the moment is the music social-network site www.last.fm . It's basically a way of discovering new music and finding other people with similar tastes to you. The way it works is really simple. You log in and put the name of a band you like into its search engine. It'll then find music by the band on the Internet for you to listen to. Then it gets interesting; after this the site will list bands which are similar to the band you've chosen. Click on the hyperlink and it will find tracks by that band for you to listen to. You can also create your own profile on the site and post a blog about yourself.

Evelyn, Barney, Adam 和Nick 都選擇不一樣的網站為主題來談論,而且他們都懂電腦的專業術語,用這些術語來談論他們的主題。注意: 請確定你有足夠廣泛多樣的字彙來談論你想討論的事情。