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寫作技巧第五篇: 學術組寫作task 1

IELTS 雅思學術寫作高分技巧

  1. 最少150個字,如果少於這個字數,你將會被扣分。
  2. 這部分的要點是要描述資料或是程序。不要給與意見,假設或是解決方法。
  3. 使用的語言,應該是學術性,且正式的英語。
  4. 在這一部分的作答上,不要超過20分鐘

IELTS雅思學術寫作task 1的結構應該如下:

一個簡短的介紹 (一句或兩句話) 帶出所描述的資料的概觀 – 也就是說,大略提到主題,以及資料呈現的方式為何。不要把標題原封不動地抄下來,你應該要用自己的文字來陳述。 主文,包含:

  1. 點出提供的資料/程序裡最顯著的資訊;主要相似處,不同處,大致的趨勢。不需要描述所有的資訊。
  2. 從資料中找出一些論證/數據來支持你所陳述的事實。不需要提到所有的資料。 一個小結論 (一句或兩句話) ,以總結主要的趨勢或是重要的特徵。



The bar chart below shows the results of a survey to find out why Chinese and Indian university students want to learn English at university. The survey had 10,000 participants.

Reasons for Learning English



有多少人參與這個問卷調查? 參與者來自哪裡?


4. 在比較積極的團體裡,哪些是主要學習英語的理由? 哪些資料(百分比) 支持以上(理由)說法?

5. 在比較不積極的團體裡,哪些是主要學習英語的理由? 哪些資料(百分比) 支持以上(理由)說法?

6.在比較不積極的團體裡,哪些是較不熱門的學習理由? 哪些資料(百分比) 支持以上(理由)說法?

7.在比較積極的團體裡,哪些是較不熱門的學習理由? 哪些資料(百分比) 支持以上(理由)說法?


1.The bar chart shows the results of a survey.

2.10,000 people were interviewed. The participants were Chinese and Indian university students.

3.Overall the Chinese students were more positive

4.The most popular reasons amongst the Chinese students for learning English were that it was useful for work and could improve job prospects. In addition it was thought to be enjoyable and useful for travel. Around 90% of the students interviewed gave these reasons.

5.The most popular reasons amongst the Indian students for learning English were that it was useful for work and could improve job prospects. In addition it was thought to be useful for travel. Around 50 - 60% of the students interviewed gave these reasons.

6.The least popular reasons amongst the Indian students for learning English were that it is important for studying and enjoyable. These statistics were all around 20 -30%. The least popular reasons amongst the Chinese students for learning English were that it improves their own language, is important for studying and improves personal development. Around 70% of the students interviewed gave these reasons.

7.The least popular reasons amongst the Chinese students for learning English were that it improves their own language, is important for studying and improves personal development. Around 70% of the students interviewed gave these reasons.


Model Answer

The bar chart shows the results of a survey in which 10,000 Chinese and Indian universities were interviewed

Overall the Chinese students were more positive with the most popular reasons for learning English being that it was useful for work and could improve job prospects. In addition it was thought to be enjoyable and useful for travel with around 90% of the students interviewed giving these reasons. Similarly, the most popular reasons amongst the Indian students for learning English were its' usefulness for work and travel, and its ability to improve job prospects with slightly over half the participants giving these reasons. Interestingly among the Indian students, enjoyment was not something that was thought to be an important factor nor its importance for studying with around a fifth stating these preferences. Conversely, 70% of the Chinese students thought learning English was is important for studying and that it improves their own language as well as their personal development.

In general the graph shows that Chinese students are more positive about learning English than Indian students.

Word count: 175