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IELTS雅思聽力測驗第一大題與第二大題: 與社交有關


IELTS雅思聽力測驗第三大題與第四大題: 與教育和訓練有關



此測驗會用許多不同的腔調 (英國腔,澳洲腔與美國腔) 來進行,所以盡可能廣泛地練習聽不同的腔調。這應包含電視影集或電影中日常生活的對話,以及正式的英文,例如新聞的播報以及記錄片。


  1. 仔細聽清楚每個問題的介紹,這對了解這話題和情境有很大的幫助。
  2. 開始播放錄音帶前你有時間先看題目。確定你利用這時間把題目看過,這樣你可以預測哪些資訊是你必須要注意的。
  3. 確定你的答案符合文法
  4. 拼字要小心 (英式與美式拼法都是被接受的)。

IELTS雅思聽力測驗範例題型: 第三部分



Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Conserving fish: Notes

Buy a ______ of fish to take the pressure off a select few species
Avoid eating fish sold as ______
Buy ______ fish
Try to find out how your fish was caught by asking the ______
If you are buying farmed fish, opt for those which have been farmed in ______
Try to include herring, in order to prevent it from being converted into nothing more than ______
Keep asking questions of retailers. ______ eventually translate into supplier action
(adapted from WWF fish conservation tips)


Two friends are discussing a university lecture on conserving fish. Toby was unable to go to the lecture, so Chris is telling him about it. This extract is from the end of their conversation.

Toby:Well I must say, conserving fish sounds like a really major issue. I had no idea of the scale of the problem. Did they give any advice on what individual people can do to help?

Chris:Er…, yeah. They did actually. At the end of the lecture, they explained some guidelines that shoppers should think about when they buy fish to eat.

Toby:Oh, right. Can you remember what they were?

Chris:Yeah. I made some notes. Hang on. I've got them here. Let me see. Well, the first thing they said is that it's important to buy a variety of different fish.

Toby:A variety? Why?

Chris:Well, if people do that, it takes the pressure of any particular species, like, say, bluefin tuna, which might be endangered.

Toby:Oh, of course. I suppose it protects the whole ecosystem better.

Chris:Yup. The next thing they said was that you shouldn't buy anything which is sold as 'baby fish'.

Toby:Yeah, I've heard that eating smaller fish can destroy whole fish stocks.

Chris:That's right. So anyway, when you do buy fish, make sure they are locally caught. Oh, and another thing, remember to ask the retailer how they were caught.

Toby:What difference does that make?

Chris:Well, some ways of fishing, like trawling, are really destructive to the marine environment. Thousands of fish get caught in the fishing nets and are just thrown away!

Toby:That's terrible. I've read that a lot of the fish we eat now is actually farmed. Did they say anything about that? I mean, farming fish has got to be less damaging to wildlife, hasn't it?

Chris:Not necessarily. Apparently some fish farms are breeding grounds for diseases which can then be passed on to wild fish. This is a particular problem for salmon farms which can produce a lot of parasites. The advice is, if you buy farmed fish, make sure it has been farmed in open sea conditions. They say it's much less likely to spread disease.

Toby:OK. There really is a lot to think about. Is that it?

Chris:There were a couple more points. One is to include herring in your diet. Apparently this stops it from being converted into animal feed.

Toby:Animal feed? Interesting.

Chris: But the main thing is, we should all keep up to date with the latest information, and keep asking retailers lots of questions. They say, in the end, consumer concerns lead to action by the suppliers.

Toby:Got it! Now I can enjoy eating fish, and do my bit for the environment.


  1. variety
  2. baby fish
  3. locally caught
  4. retailer
  5. open sea conditions
  6. animal feed
  7. consumer concerns

Key Vocab.

Variety: The weather in California is great, although there isn't much variety. It's sunny almost every day.
Conservation: Careful conservation of classic architecture is vital if we don't want to lose it forever.
Ecosystem: Coral reefs are one of the most important marine ecosystems on earth. Nearly every kind of organism can be found there.
Breeding ground: Slums are a breeding ground for crime.
Consumer: As a consumer, you have to stand up for your rights. If your new DVD player doesn't work properly, just take it back to the shop.