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閱讀測驗技巧第五篇- 掌握主旨的閱讀

IELTS雅思閱讀測驗的高分技巧,是在開始詳細回答問題前,你必須把自己導向文章裡。花大概一分鐘的時間看看大標題以及瀏覽一下整篇文章,不要想了解每個字。想想這篇文章是寫給誰看的,以及主題是什麼。 哪一個句子最能總結這整篇文章?

  1. The popularity of professional eating as a sport.
  2. Reasons why professional eaters are true athletes.
  3. The controversy surrounding eating contests.
  4. The clear link between professional eating and obesity.


  1. WRONG - it mentions opposing views on the sport
  2. WRONG - this is only one view
  3. CORRECT - it mentions several examples of eating contests that are being cancelled or modified, and some pro-eating contest views
  4. WRONG - it mentions a link, but does not go into detail


IELTS雅思閱讀測驗技巧 - 文章裡的字彙會以相似字詞表達,也就是不同的字含有相同的意義 例如: gobbling = eating

  • People
  • Opinions
  • 1. Tim Janus ___
  • A. Eating contests are nothing new
  • 2. Philip Jones ___
  • B. Competitive eating doesn't reflect day-to-day over-eating
  • 3. George Shea ___
  • C. Occasional over-eating does you no harm
  • 4. Dr. Lee Kaplin ___
  • D. Discontinuing eating contests gives people a clear message
  • 5. Brian Wansick ___
  • E. Eating in competition is similar to other art forms


  1. C - Doing it once in a while isn't bad for you, when you do it responsibly
  2. D - It was a symbolic gesture to get people to address changes in our lifestyle
  3. A - This … has its roots in fairs and festivals
  4. B - These competitions are somewhat caricatures of eating behavior ... and don't have much relevance to the obesity problem
  5. E - Seeing these guys go at a 20 pound turkey is like poetry … It's like a dance


首先,仔細讀過句子,想想看哪一種詞性(名詞、不定動詞、形容詞) 的字放在這裡會符合文法。
接下來, 找出文章相關的部分,並尋找適當的字彙。

Complete the sentences below with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from the passage.

  1. Although popular, professional eating contests cause some viewers to ________.
  2. The corn eating contents was cancelled because it was seen as an ________ by university authorities.
  3. ______ demanded changes to be made to the pie eating contest.
  4. Competitive eaters have to develop their _______ and ________.
  5. Eating contests attract the same sort of people who would enter ________.


  1. shudder
  2. act of gluttony
  3. health advocates
  4. jaw strength; stomach capacity
  5. a marathon


大部分的人對於是非題(對或錯)都很熟悉。在IELTS雅思測驗裡,有一個選項是"沒有提到" (Not Given)。文章裡有提到的,你才能選擇題目講的是對或錯。如果你無法從文章裡找到題目所提的資訊,你就要選 Not Given。

  1. Competitive eating started to gain popularity in the US in the 1970s.
  2. The pie eating contest has featured non-meat pies for several years
  3. There is an element of comedy to competitive eating.
  4. Contestants are generally overweight.
  5. Competitive eating can have long-term side-effects.


  1. NG – This could be true, but it doesn't mention this.
  2. F – A vegetarian category was introduced in 2006.
  3. T - It's a comedic thing _ a combination of Coney Island hucksterism and sports commentary.
  4. F - Most of us are pretty thin and in pretty good shape.
  5. NG – No mention is made of this

Key Vocab.

Obesity: Obesity is becoming a major problem around the world because of people's inactive lifestyles.
Glutton: Tyson's knocked him down twice, but he's back on his feet. What a glutton for punishment.
Converge: Rugby fans will be converging on Paris this week for the big game.
Vegetarian: Most restaurants now offer some sort of vegetarian option.
Compulsion: Olympic athletes have an amazing compulsion to win.