Examinations Services Call: 886 (0)2 8722 1039 opening hour: Mon-Fri 09:30-13:00 and 14:00-17:30
Home > Accept electronic transcripts list of organizations and institutions
  • Organisation Name
  • Country
  • Abdullah Al Salem University
  • Kuwait 
  • Public Authority for Applied Education and Training - Scholarship
  • Kuwait 
  • Sidra Kuwait Hospital
  • Kuwait 
  • Ministry of Health Kuwait - Dental Administration
  • Kuwait 
  • American University of Central Asia (AUCA)
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • OSCE Academy in Bishkek
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Riga Technical University
  • Latvia
  • Riga Technical University - Riga Business School
  • Latvia
  • National Centre for Education of the Republic of Latvia
  • Latvia
  • Turiba University
  • Latvia
  • University of Latvia
  • Latvia
  • Transport and Telecommunication Institute
  • Latvia
  • International School of Latvia
  • Latvia
  • State education development agency
  • Latvia
  • Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
  • Latvia
  • Beirut Arab University - Admissions Office
  • Lebanon
  • American Learning Center
  • Lebanon
  • Canadian Lebanese Group
  • Lebanon
  • Dar Al-Handasah
  • Lebanon
  • Embassy of Poland in Lebanon
  • Lebanon