Examinations Services Call: 886 (0)2 8722 1039 opening hour: Mon-Fri 09:30-13:00 and 14:00-17:30
Home > Accept electronic transcripts list of organizations and institutions
  • Organisation Name
  • Country
  • Lingnan University ¿ Science Unit
  • Hong Kong  
  • Hong Kong Metropolitan University ¿ Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE)
  • Hong Kong  
  • Hong Kong College of Technology
  • Hong Kong  
  • The University of Hong Kong- Faculty of Architecture
  • Hong Kong  
  • Wekerle Business School
  • Hungary 
  • University of Szeged - Foreign Languages
  • Hungary 
  • Central European University - Admissions Office
  • Hungary 
  • Budapest Metropolitan University
  • Hungary 
  • Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  • Hungary 
  • University of Pecs - International Office
  • Hungary 
  • Budapest International College
  • Hungary 
  • University of Pannonia
  • Hungary 
  • University of Szeged
  • Hungary 
  • Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School
  • Hungary 
  • Pázmány Péter Catholic University - Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics
  • Hungary 
  • Széchenyi István University - Centre for International Programmes and Alumni
  • Hungary 
  • University of Iceland - Recognition Office
  • Iceland
  • Canadian High Commission New Delhi - Economic Unit
  • India 
  • UK Border Agency - New Delhi Visa Services
  • India 
  • British Council - Chennai
  • India