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首頁 > 成績及考後服務 > 複查申請步驟說明如下How to apply Enquiry on Results

複查申請步驟說明如下How to apply Enquiry on Results

Step 01
Please log in to the Test Taker Portal.

Step 02
Please log in using your email address and the password.

Step 03
Kindly click on the "Tests & Results" section to view the test details.

Step 03-1

※ 請在「顯示測驗及成績」選擇查詢的成績場次。
  Select the exam you wish to view the result.
※ 請點入查看結果以預覽完整成績。
  You can enter “See full result” to view the complete score report.

※ 可查看整體總分、各科成績、成績說明。
  You can check the overall band, L/R/W/S bands and the explanation of your result.

Step 04
於前述說明的成績查詢頁面,在成績頁籤中找到 “Didn’t get the score you needed?” 選項,點擊 See my options。
At the Result page of the selected exam, please find the “Didn’t get the score you needed?” section and click “See my options”.

Step 05
於彈出視窗選擇 “Re-marking your test”。
Click “Re-marking your test” at the pop-out window.

Please email with the screenshot to us if you have any questions.
British Council 台灣雅思考試中心