The British Council is a leading global authority in the teaching of English with a network of 138 centres worldwide. For anyone who is interested in improving their English to take the IELTS test we offer IELTS preparation courses and Academic Writing courses.
In addition, British Council IELTS Registration Agents offer IELTS preparation courses islandwide.
Below we have listed a number of areas to help you decide on the quality of IELTS training schools.
In theory, the more points the school meets, the better quality the school should be.
Course Design
• Different courses available to students at different levels
• Students are tested and placed on a course appropriate to their English level
• Teachers maintain regular and close contact with their students
• Regular mock tests to assess student ability and identify areas that need improvement
• Support and resources provided to students for self-study
• Students are helped to work out efficient and effective study plan
• Small classes
Teaching Resources
• All teachers hold official ELT qualification such as TESL or TEFL
• Teachers fully understand the learning needs and methods of Chinese students.
• Teachers make an effort to advise on students’ weaknesses.
Teaching Materials
• Teaching materials are printed by authoritative publishing houses.
• A list of reference books for self-study is provided. The materials should not only be a list of questions.
Teaching Method
• Adopting competency–focused teaching methodology, which is student-centred, is based on IELTS materials, and is skills-oriented.
• Courses provided help familiarise students with IELTS task types and help develop language proficiency.
• Teaching activities are skills-focused, such as group discussions, role plays, and problem solving.
• Mutual communication between teachers and students. After-class activities are also offered
Course evaluation
Enables students to:
• Become familiar with IELTS task types and format.
• Understand the requirements of IELTS test on language proficiency
• Master suitable tactics for language learning